Edenred Mobile App
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Edenred Mobile App

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Article summary

Where to download the Edenred app

Depending on your operating system, you can download the application entirely free of charge from Google Play or App Store.

How to add the card in the app

On launch, you can add a card in the app’s menu – Card management. To add a card you only need the card itself. The app will ask for the card serial number (on the back – 10 digits) and the last four PAN digits (the 16-digit number on the front of the card).

Your card is now added, and you can also see the available balance and the nearest points of acceptance in your vicinity.


The application is intended only for those mobile phones whose accounts are managed in the Czech Republic – if your account for downloading and purchasing applications is managed elsewhere, you will not be able to install the application unfortunately.


Edenred app benefits:

Complete overview of all transactions

You have a complete overview of all transactions, both completed and not completed. If your card payment is rejected, you will learn the reason why immediately – we will send a notification to your handset’s system with a brief explanation of why the transaction was rejected. If your card has been stolen and used for payment without authorisation, you will again be the first to know thanks to a message about a completed transaction. These notifications can be easily disabled in the app’s menu.

Information about expiration

You will see funds that are at risk of expiring and the expiration date.

You know where to shop

Depending on your position the application will offer you the nearest outlets where you can pay using your card – or you can look up a specific outlet and find out if you can use your card there. A map as well as a list of affiliated outlets in the area is provided.

Action offers, new partners and tips how to use your benefits

Tips for applying benefits can be found directly in the application on the "Promotional offers" tab.


Haven't found the answer?
Contact our Customer Care Center on e-mails:or Mon-Fri 8:00 – 17:00 on phone numbers:
  • +420 234 662 340 for employers and partners
  • +420 293 363 000 for employees

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