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How to pay at ehotel.cz
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Why use ehotel.cz?
- You can pay for any type of accommodation around the world using your benefits
- You can choose from the wide range of offers available on ehotel.cz or on any other booking portal, like Booking.com
- You choose how you want to pay for your accommodation (by invoice, through Booking.com, etc.) and ehotel.cz will arrange for you to pay with your benefits – for more see ehotel.cz/en/benefity
- You can extend the validity of your benefits by buying a voucher – for more se ehotel.cz/en/poukazy
Choose a stay directly from the ehotel.cz range of offers
- Pick your accommodation from the wide range at ehotel.cz .
- When booking, select as the payment method EDENRED
BENEFITS CARD or Edenred Benefits Premium.
- Enjoy your stay! For more information about paying with
benefits visit ehotel.cz/en/benefity .
Pobyt v kterémkoliv hotelu na světě, který není smluvním hotelem ehotel.cz
Nechte si vystavit zálohovou a konečnou fakturu na pobyt
kdekoliv na světě od konkrétního hotelu.Vytvořte záznam o faktuře, přečtěte si podmínky pro proplacení ubytování a nahrajte scan faktury do formuláře na
ehotel.cz/benefity/zaloha . Ehotel vám zašle instrukce a podklady k platbě.
Po uhrazení plateb ehotel.cz proplatí fakturu za ubytování
na účet ubytovacího zařízení a zašle vám potvrzení o pobytu.
How to pay for your stay through Booking.com
Read the Conditions for reimbursement of accommodation and create an accommodation record (providing a link to your chosen hotel and your contact details, and selecting benefit points as the payment method) at ehotel.cz/en/benefity/booking.
After your information has been checked, ehotel.cz will send you a link to the benefit company payment gateway, where you can pay using your benefit points.
After receiving your benefit points, ehotel.cz will book
your stay (you don’t make the booking yourself) and you will receive confirmation from Booking.com.
How to buy a “ticket+accommodation” voucher
On the webpage ehotel.cz/en/letenky choose the price of the ticket to your destination and enter the total
amount for accommodation.Enter the details of your benefit account and pay for your holiday.
ehotel.cz will generate two vouchers for you, which you will be able to use for your Kiwi.com ticket and for accommodation on ehotel.cz.
Extend the validity of your benefits
- Extend the validity of your points or give someone an original gift
- You can transfer points from your Cafeteria or benefit card to a voucher, which stays valid for another year and can be used for all the services offered by ehotel.cz
- Using a voucher is easy: just enter its code when making a booking and the voucher’s value will be credited immediately
- Vouchers can be used to pay for stays at the ehotel.cz network of partner hotels, to pay advance invoices for accommodation, or to pay for accommodation on Booking.com
- Vouchers can be used in combination with benefit and card payments when paying for a booking
- For more information about buying vouchers visit ehotel.cz/en/poukazy
- uzivatel@edenred.cz (users)
- klient@edenred.cz(clients)
- partner-cz@edenred.com (partners)
- +420 234 662 340 for employers and partners
- +420 293 363 000 for employees