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FAQ Edenred Benefits Premium
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How to login to the cafe account
Log in to your account at https://xxx.benefitcafe.cz by entering the address of your canteen in the address bar of your internet browser.
Access details can be found in your work email.
Multi-factor authentication required for cafeteria account login
What is multifactor authentication logging into a cafeteria account and how to set it up.
How can I change my password?
You can change your password under your name in the “Edit profile” tab. Enter your original password and then the new password twice. Continue by clicking on “Save changes”. You can then log into the cafeteria with your username and your newly saved password.
What does a new password have to contain?
- at least 10 characters
- at least one capital letter
- at least one lowercase letter
- at least one digit
What do I do if I forget or lose my password?
Find the “Forgot your password?” link on the cafeteria login page. Click on the link and follow the instructions. It is important to always enter the e-mail address written in your cafeteria profile in the “E-mail” field. If you have been assigned a special e-mail with the @noemail part, this address has to be replaced by a different existing e-mail address in the cafeteria. You can renew the password using a code that will be sent to you.
Where can I enter / change my delivery address and e-mail?
You can change your delivery address and e-mail under your name in the Edit profile tab. Once you have completed the form click on “Save changes” and your delivery address and e-mail will be entered / changed. Your orders and notifications will be sent to your new delivery address and e-mail.
I do not know the access data to the Edenred Benefits Premium cafeteria portal
You can generate new access data via the cafeteria's initial login page. Alternatively, contact our Customer Care Center on +420 234 662 299.
I don't know the password to the Edenred Benefits Premium portal
On the login page, select the button "Forgot your password?" You will generate a new password in the portal, which will be sent to the e-mail you entered in the Edenred Benefits Premium. In case of problems, contact our Customer Care Center on +420 234 662 299.
You can find more information and instructions in your cafeteria.
For how long are the funds in my cafeteria account valid?
The validity of the funds and the date of their expiry are displayed with the individual wallets in your account in the cafeteria.
Where can I view the remaining credit on my card?
You can find basic information about your card in the Card overview section in your cafeteria. In addition to the available balance on the card, you can also check your card's status (active, blocked, etc.), the validity of your card, its number, and the holder. You can also find the balance in the Edenred mobile app. You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple Store.
More on Edenred App.
Can I manage my cafeteria account on the edenred.cz website?
You will find only your online card account at www.edenred.cz. You register and activate your new card there. On this website you cannot order cards, top up cards with funds or use the cafeteria in any other manner (order vouchers, shop at e-shops, etc.).
May I pay with my Edenred Card at e-shops?
You can find the current list of e-shops accepting your Edenred Card in your cafeteria on the tab Payment options - Payment at e-shops.
What can I buy in the cafeteria?
In the cafeteria you can either order leisure activities and services directly or use the payment tools to pay for such activities and services. Everything must be in accordance with the law, so in your cafeteria you are authorised to order in such categories that are free of employment income tax and social security and health insurance payments for employees:
- Travel
- Sport & Culture
- Accommodation
- Education
- Wellness
- Health care
You can order services or goods immediately via direct payment in e-shops. You pay for the goods or services in the e-shop immediately using your cafeteria funds. You can also choose from other payment options and order e.g. vouchers or an e-Ticket, or top up your Edenred Benefits Card. With the vouchers and card, you go directly to an affiliated outlet and pay for your chosen service with them. You can find the locations where to go shopping and use your vouchers or card in the Outlet search engine.
I can buy only some kinds of goods at online pharmacies. Why?
Your purchase at online pharmacies is regarded by the income tax act. The last amendment to the income tax act also resulted in a specification regarding the use of benefits at online pharmacies. As a result, it is only possible to buy healthcare, medication, hygienic and similar goods and obtain prescription healthcare aids from pharmacies.
I can't pay in the e-shop Dr. Max by direct payment
If you choose personal collection when paying in the Dr. Max e-shop, you cannot use direct payment from your cafeteria. Check the available payment methods with this partner in your search engine and choose another payment option.
Why can I not shop at booking.com?
The seat of the booking.com company is in Amsterdam, Netherlands so the company has not a Czech registered number (IČ). Purchase with benefit payment options is regarded by Czech law. Therefore, outlets and providers must always have Czech registered numbers.
Why can I not pay the full price of my trip at some travel agencies?
Some travel agencies have their own rules for payments with benefit cards, vouchers or e-Tickets. Check always the rules of benefit payments methods before you pay for your holidays.
When and how will my order be delivered?
You can find all the necessary information about your orders in your dining room in the Delivery Methods section of the Useful/Rules menu. For each order, it is indicated by when you must place the order (order deadline), when the orders are processed and by when you will receive your order.
Where can I find tips on using my benefits?
You can find current tips on using the benefits:
on the website edenred.cz/establishment-search-engine/special-offers
in the Edenred mobile application on the "Special Offers" tab.
on our social network profiles Facebook and Instagram{target ="_blank"}
How do I order a new card?
Your possibility to order a news card is based on rules which are set up together with your employer. If you can order a new card from your cafeteria, you can do it on the New card page in the Payment options section. If you cannot order it from your cafeteria, the cards are delivered to your employer´s address and you will receive it from your HR department.
I don’t know if I can pay to my favourite outlet using my vouchers / card. Can you help?
Enter the name of your favourite outlet in the “Enter keyword” field of the Outlet search engine. If you know the company / registered number (IČ) of your favourite outlet, you can enter this number instead of the outlet name. Click on “Search” button. If your favourite outlet is included in the search results, it is an Edenred affiliate. The detailed information contains the provider’s contact information and a list of payment options (cards, e-Tickets or vouchers). Only the payment options that an outlet accepts are displayed with that outlet. Choose your payment option by clicking on an icon at the bottom of the page. Insert in your shopping cart and place a binding order. As soon as you receive your vouchers or your card is topped up, you can pay for chosen services at your favourite outlet.
I have looked up the outlet using a search engine at www.edenred.cz but I cannot look up the same outlet using a search engine in my cafeteria. Why?
You should always use your cafeteria outlet search engine to look up an outlet you wish to shop at. This search engine is customised to your cafeteria set-up (categories, payment options etc.). The Edenred search engine (on the www.edenred.cz website) doesn´t reflect your cafeteria set-up; the list of search results could be confusing to you.
How do I use the outlet search engine?
You can choose various search criteria in the search engine. The more precise input for your search the more precise the search results and the shorter the resulting list. Look for outlets using key words (fitness, travel, swimming pools etc.) and outlet addresses. You enter the key word and address into the fields on the upper part of the search engine. You can also add other search criteria and choose a category from offered list (sports, travel, wellness etc.) and a specific payment option. These filters are situated on the left side of the page. Then click on “Search” button. You can view the results as a list, as tiles, or directly in a map. The buttons for selecting the display mode are above the search results.
How to find out if I can pay in my favorite establishment with vouchers/card.
In the Establishment Finder, enter the name of your favorite establishment in the "Enter a keyword" field. If you know the ID number of your favorite establishment, you can enter it in the keyword field instead of the name of the establishment. Click "Search". If the establishment you are looking for appears in the search results, it is an Edenred partner. In the details you will find the contact details of the operator and a list of payment options (by card, e-Ticket or vouchers). For the establishment, only the payment options it accepts are always displayed. You can choose the type of payment by clicking on the image at the bottom of the page. You put it in the basket and place your order. As soon as you receive the vouchers or your card is topped up, you can pay for the selected service at your favorite establishment.
Where can I find an overview of all e-shops where I can pay with my card?
You can find an overview of e-shops after logging into your card account at edenred.cz - for more see Online purchases, or after logging into your cafeteria account on the tab PAYMENT OPTIONS >> PAYMENT IN E-SHOPS.
- uzivatel@edenred.cz (users)
- klient@edenred.cz(clients)
- partner-cz@edenred.com (partners)
- +420 234 662 340 for employers and partners
- +420 293 363 000 for employees