FAQ –partner
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FAQ –partner

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Article summary

Why to cooperate

  • we will add you among partners in our search engines

  • we will make you visible via our communication channels (social networks, web application, website, newsletters)

  • We will reimburse you for completed transactions and sent vouchers

I want to contract a new establishment (restaurant, sports center, etc.) How should I proceed?

Write a request through the form on our website. We will contact tyou soon.

How to become an Edenred partner

Every partner who has signed a contract with us can accept vouchers and Edenred cards in their establishment. You can fill out the contract online on the website, or contact our partner department by e-mail at partnerske-cz@edenred.com, where they will help you with everything. Please include your name, surname, social security number and phone number in the e-mail.

What will I get out of it and how much will it cost me?

The volume bonus varies depending on the product you accept at your location and the exact terms are always set out in the contract. Your establishment will be visible in the establishment search engine on the website www.edenred.cz and, if you accept a meal or benefit card, also in the Edenred application. If you are interested, we can also offer you further marketing cooperation and visibility of your brand among customers and companies. Contact us on T: +420 234 662 340 of partnerske-cz@edenred.com.

How to fill out a new contract

First, create an account on our website. Then click on New Agreement in your account and follow the instructions. Enter your contact information, select the products you want to accept and agree to the terms. The contract is automatically sent to our partner department. If everything is in order, the contractual relationship is considered concluded. You will receive a PDF contract with our signature by e-mail, followed by a welcome letter. If some information in the contract needs to be modified or supplemented, our customer department will contact you and resolve everything with you.

Can I fill out a new contract online, or do I have to sign it personally?

You can fill out the contract online on our website. The contract also includes our Terms and Conditions. After the contract is filled out, it will be sent to our customer department. If everything is in order, we will send you an email with the contract in PDF form. We will also send you an email with a welcome letter containing all the important information about our cooperation. If you need to modify or add certain information to the contract, our customer department will contact you and help resolve the issue.

How long after signing the contract can I start accepting Edenred vouchers/cards?

You can start accepting Edenred vouchers and cards as soon as the contract is signed. If you accept payments by Ticket Restaurant Card and Edenred Benefits Card in your payment terminal, please always notify our customer department of any change in your payment terminal or the purchase of a new terminal and its MID code. We must activate each terminal for card payments. The activation is performed remotely, but it is not possible to pay with our cards at the terminal without it.

How are vouchers exchanged for cash and how long does it take?

Paper vouchers can be returned in several ways. Personally at one of our branches or by sending the vouchers by post to our branch, and Ticket Restaurant paper vouchers can also be returned at Makro Cash & Carry and Bidfood collection points. When returning vouchers, it is always necessary to attach a duly filled out cash analysis. You can download the cash analysis form on our website. We can return your money in cash, to your bank account or to your Edenred Profi card. We can only pay a maximum of 270,000 CZK in cash. You can have money available immediately, or at the latest within nine days, depending on the refund method you choose. The money from Ticket Restaurant Card and Edenred Benefits Card transactions will be on your account immediately, just like money from any transaction with a regular credit card. For more information, please see the Terms and Conditions, which can be viewed after you sign in to your online partner account.

How will customers know that they can pay with Edenred vouchers / cards at my establishment?

We recommend sticking a sticker in a well-visible place, preferably on the front door of your establishment. You can also inform customers that you accept our vouchers on your website. Customers can find all acceptance points at www.edenred.com and in the Edenred app.

How can I promote our services and motivate Edenred benefit users to spend their benefits at our company?

You can promote your services in the form of:

Where can I find the the cash analyzis form ("Výčetka")?

You can download the cash analyzis form at https://www.edenred.cz/loga-a-materialy. You can find the personalized form after logging into your account on the Edenred portal (edenred.cz) in the List of establishments section. You can also find the current template (without pre-filled data) in Downloadable documents on our website www.edenred.cz/loga-a-materialy.

How to set up a terminal

To set up the terminal, we need to know your MID number - Merchant number. You can find this information either on the merchant receipt or by contacting the terminal provider. Send us the request for putting the terminal into operation together with the MID to our email partner-cz@edenred.com.

What is direct payment in eshops?

Direct payment in e-shops is a modern payment method for fast and secure online payments. If you are an eshop owner and would like to use our benefits, please let us know. We will link the payment gateway and include you in the list of eshops that we distribute to our users.
For more information see Payment methods section.

What is e-Ticket

For more information see Payment methods.

Are you on board?
  1. Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you.
  2. We agree on the terms and conditions and sign a contract.
  3. We include you among the partners in our search engine.
  4. We increase your visibility through our communication channels.
  5. We pay you for the transactions performed and vouchers sent in.

Fill-in the contact form on edenred.cz/work-with-us/restaurants.

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