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Ticket Restaurant
Paper meal vouchers accepted in restaurants and grocery stores throughout the Czech Republic.
Edenred Multi
The voucher is accepted by sports, cultural, recreational, educational, medical and preschool facilities, in which the voucher holder chooses exactly the service he is interested in.
Edenred Holiday
Vouchers are accepted by travel agencies and agencies. Use for foreign and Czech destinations. Vouchers can also be used for last minute offers.
Edenred compliments
Edenred Compliments is a universal gift voucher for the purchase of goods and services. It is an ideal form of thanking or rewarding employees or clients.
Edenred Sport&Culture
The voucher is used to pay for tickets to cinemas, multiplexes, theaters and sports facilities such as fitness centers, tennis and squash courts, swimming pools and others.
Edenred Academica
Save money on driving school, language schools, management, computer, financial and other educational courses.
Edenred Medica
It enables payment in healthcare facilities, pharmacies, rehabilitation centers and at general practitioners and specialists (dentists, gynecologists, etc.).
Edenred Pure
The Edenred Čistý voucher is used to pay for cleaning and laundry products, dry cleaning services or as a contribution to protective work equipment.
FKSP Edenred Multi
Leisure vouchers for public administration employees accepted by selected partners of the Czech Republic in the field of sports, culture, recreation and education enable the drawing of benefits according to Decree No. 114 Coll. about FKSP.
- uzivatel@edenred.cz (users)
- klient@edenred.cz(clients)
- partner-cz@edenred.com (partners)
- +420 234 662 340 for employers and partners
- +420 293 363 000 for employees