Multi-factor authentication on the account
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Multi-factor authentication on the account

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Article summary

Multi-factor authentication enhances the security of your personal information and protects you from fraud by requiring a combination of your email and password along with additional verification, such as a security code or biometric data. This way, we ensure that only you have access to your account.

Steps to activate multi-factor authentication on your Edenred account:

1. Log in to your account at using your existing credentials (email, password).

Note: If you have saved your password in your browser, it will not be automatically filled in due to the new URL. You can find your password in your password manager or reset it using the "Forgot Password" feature.


2. Enter your phone number, where the verification code will be sent.

After entering your phone number, an SMS with a one-time verification code will be sent to the provided number.

Přidání telefonního čísla.png

3. Enter the 6-digit verification code that you received via SMS.

The one-time verification code is valid for 5 minutes from the time of receipt. If you do not receive the one-time code after 1 minute, you can request a new code. After 3 incorrect attempts, your account will be temporarily locked. The verification process can be repeated after 1 hour. Without verifying your phone number and entering the code, you will not be able to access your account.

Zadání ověřovacího kódu.png

4. Skipping verification for the next 90 days

If you trust your browser, you can request to skip the verification process for the next 90 days. If you connect using a different device or browser, you will need to go through the verification process again. If you do not check the option to trust your browser, you will have to complete the verification process each time you log in to your Edenred account.

Odložení ověření na 90 dní.png

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